Nam si vos omnibus imperitare vultis, sequitur ut omnes servitutem accipiant?
(Tacitus, Annales XII, xxxvii)

24 Apr 2010

Racist violence and genocide in Australia — sources of information -- "Aboriginal children in Rockhampton, Queensland have been shot in an alleged racially-motivated assault on Australia Day according to The Australian and The Advertiser. The first attack was reported the day after Australia Day, while a second assault was only revealed to have occurred days later when the child concerned reported to hospital after having heard of the first attack." -- Genocide in Australia -- Professor Colin Tatz  -- AIATSIS Research Discussion Papers No 8 -- McGlade, Hannah --- "Reviewing Racism: HREOC and the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) " [1997] IndigLawB 72; (1997) 4(4) Indigenous Law Bulletin 12  -- Report details crimes against Aborigines  -- UN accuses Australia of 'entrenched racism' towards Aborigines    -- Today they still face racist attitudes, and there are periodic incidents of violence towards them, particularly affecting those in police custody. Their generally poor living conditions mean that Aborigines have a far higher infant mortality rate and suicide rate and a lower life expectancy than the rest of the population, and they make up a disproportionate section of the prison population. --  "Aboriginal Deaths in Custody In Australia are higher than those of South Africa at the peak of Apartheid."